Backup your site to Google Drive & Dropbox

Backup your site to Google Drive & Dropbox

Backup to Google Drive

Go to Softaculous Enduser -> Edit Settings -> Click on Add Backup Location and select as Protocol Google Drive

On form submission, you will be prompted to authorize Softaculous to access your Google Drive. Enter your Google Drive login details.

Next you will be prompted to allow (or cancel) access to Softaculous Auto Installer in your Google Drive account.

You will be then redirected back to the Softaculous page with the backup location added successfully in your Enduser panel.

Your Google Drive backup location has been added successfully!

Backup to Dropbox

Go to Softaculous Enduser -> Edit Settings -> Click on Add Backup Location and select as Protocol Dropbox

Enter the login details of your Dropbox account

Allow (or deny) access to Softaculous Auto Installer APP in your dropbox account

Once you click on Allow, you will be provided with a code which you have to copy and paste in the Auth Code field of the Softaculous Add Backup Location Form, and click on Add Backup Location button to add the location in Softaculous